2014.3.16 First Marlin on Blue... 100th Marlin by the FCO's owner member, Kumazawa. It was a stripe marlin and brought to a ...
2014.3.1 Another Marlin Lande... We are in the high spring season for trolling in Okinawa. Following last marlin caught ye...
2014.2.28 Marlin Landed Two Da... We landed a 135kg (300lb) blue marlin and two days in a row. We just got into the hot marl...
2014.2.25 Marlin Landed for Se... A first marlin for the season 2014 landed by Fisher's Club Okinawa. There are many marlin...
2013.12.7 The Last Fishing Tri... Tuna and skipjack were caught today!! Thank you guys so much for fishing with FCO. Your ...