2015.5.22 3 whaoo, 2 mahi-mahi... Landed 3 whaoo, 2 mahi-mahi and 3 tuna in the rough sea conditions! ☆Call or email us f...
2015.5.7 Our 7th Marlin For T... A blue marlin landed today! Fisher's Club Okinawa keeps going with a marlin catch. Tried ...
2015.5.5 Blue Marlin, 143kg (... Left Ginowan Marina at 8:00am and encountered a marlin strike before noon. The ,marlin pre...
2015.5.2 A Mahi-Mahi On Troll... Going on the water with my buddies and caught a good size mahi-mahi. I didn't see any mar...
2015.4.25 2 Marlin Fights A Da... What a nice day to start fishing. Soon as set lure spread, we encountered the first stri...