2012.6.8 A Grand Slam of Big Tuna, Mahi, Wahoo an... There are a lots of actions in the water today. Our guest had achieved a Grand Slam and...
2012.5.26 99kg Marlin Landed on Our Small Boat "SE... 99kg Blue Marlin was landed today on Our second boat SEA BEAR (25ft). It is a super thr...
2012.5.25 Daniel Landed a Blue Marlin!... This was his second try of trolling with Fisher's Club Okinawa and he landed 50kg over blu...
2012.5.13 Many Groupers on Bottom Fishing... All the guests had a great time catching tasty groupers, other bottom fish and tuna on lur...
2012.5.12 73kg Black Marlin Landed!... Fisher’s Club Okinawa landed a 73kg (163lb) black marlin with our second fleet “Sea Bear” ...
2012.5.7 Sailfish on Spinning Gear... It was a very nice sunny day and started with a mutiple hits of mahi-mahi. Later, we ...
2012.5.3 Congratz for Your First Marlin!... It was a perfect day for trolling with the decent weather and tide. Hirata tried his ...
2012.4.27 Salty Rod's Fishing caught 97kg marlin t... I had a group guests from Salty Rod's Fishing. We all had a great time trolling and catchi...
2012.4.24 Double Marlins Again!... 121kg and 59kg blue marlins landed today and this was our 5th double catch in a day and a ...
2012.4.14 118kg on spin-gear and 3 Fights with Mar... The day was started with a catch of good size wahoo. Later, three hits of blue marlin in ...