2012.4.12 Again, a Marlin Landed on Spining Gear!... We got to the fishing point little past 9 o’clock and a half hour later a marlin struck on...
2012.4.9 Stripe Marlin and Mahi-mahi ... Fisher's Club Okinawa had 3 fights with marlins today, but lost 2 and got only one. Two g...
2012.4.7 Many Groupers on Bottom Fishing... Today's guest tries bottom fishing on lure. Many Groupers were caught and they are all ha...
2012.4.5 Third Double Landing Marlin for the Seas... The guest angler, Peter showed a powerful fight and landed a 74kg (165lb) blue marlin in j...
2012.4.2 66kg Blue Marlin for his first try!... Two fights with marlin and landed a 66kg (147lb) blue marlin Today. Fisher’s Club Okinawa...
2012.3.30 Catches a 67kg Blue Marlin for His First... The guest angler, Chono caught his first marlin in his powerful fight. It took only 10 mi...
2012.3.28 Four Marlins Landed in Two Days!... A first strike of marlin was brought 10 minutes after the day beginning, but it didn’t hoo...
2012.3.27 Two Marlins Caught in His First Try!... The water temperature was decent and it was a perfect day for trolling. The boat “Big Mar...
2012.3.23 It was a Blue Marlin and the Second Bill... Following the previous catch of sailfish last month, Fisher’s Club Okinawa landed our firs...
2012.2.8 The First Billfish for the Season was a ... We had something hit on our light tackle of 30lb on the way back to the marina. The angle...